A goldfish in the style of Fernando Botero.
Surrealist painting of interns dancing around with giant puzzle pieces.
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Linguists fighting over the usefulness of word clouds in the style of a Rembrandt painting
A drawing of a watermelon leaving Sunday church to go to brunch
Illustration of attendees at a natural language processing conference, drawn in the style of Keith Haring.
Made by Luca Soldaini
I 💗 Semantic Scholar
A european medieval painting of a raccoon coding on a laptop
A Caravaggio painting of a raccoon in space on a pizza slice
Oil painting of a raccoon with a tophat and monocle with a slice of pizza
Photograph of a Michelangelo statue depicting a researcher debugging their code.
Dali painting of a computer scientist waiting for Docker containers to compose.
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could not stop looking at the art on
the wall at my desk.
I regret to inform you it was all
generated using DALL·E 2.